Upgrading and adding to the other makeup pieces from Melanin Pack 1. I will also be taking time to build on what I’ve already done.

Now popular simmers have no damn excuse to NOT make black sims (unless their lying asses just don’t want to.) Post your sims with the hashtags #xmiramira & #saynotoashysims so I can see! The makeup shows up under the same thumbnail as before. I will also be releasing a video with more makeup this week that I have found look really great with these tones, as well as how you can navigate the makeup in this pack! Same as before, the shade you click on may not exactly match the color box.

They are connected with black wire woven delicately to create a beautiful base for. They have been updated with more shades and with different opacity and named properly as well. Sims 4 CC Accessories: Midnight Choker by Pralinesims from The Sims. You will have to delete the makeup files in your mods folder named “blush” and “concealer”. This skin tone pack is compatible with all skin overlays and details. You can decide to delete or not to delete the first skin pack its up to you. If you were able to snag the test file for Melanin Pack 2, delete it and replace it with this. You can find these non default tones under the skin tones tab. Hopefully with time I can improve and add more as time progresses. I spent more time looking into undertones and quality improvement. But I do believe that its days are numbered.Hey! So here’s an upgrade. I don’t know whether this plan will be vacated by a court, reversed by Congress, or overturned by a future Commission.

I am optimistic, that we will look back on today’s vote as an aberration, a temporary deviation from the bipartisan path, that has served us so well. Here’s more from Commissioner Clyburn this morning: Go to Battle For The Net to get connected directly to your Senators or Representatives. If we work together, we can get it done. Net neutrality is too important to be subject to the whims of any administration. Let’s not kid ourselves: This is a major setback in our fight for a free and open internet. Today the FCC voted 3-2 to kill the net neutrality rules you helped pass back in 2015 Mignon Clyburn, FCC Commissioner for Net Neutrality It was through social media that the world first heard about Ferguson, Missouri, because legacy news outlets did not consider it important until the hashtag started trending.” This is a place for simmers of all ages to. “Particularly damning is what today’s repeal will mean for marginalized groups, like communities of color, that rely on platforms like the internet to communicate, because traditional outlets do not consider their issues or concerns, worthy of any coverage. The Black Simmer is a forum created by a simmer who is frustrated by the lack of diversity in the simmer community.